
Retreatment Options

If you’ve had orthodontic treatment in the past and have experienced relapse, we offer specialized retreatment options to restore and maintain your beautiful smile.

Ceramic Braces

Our ceramic braces are a fantastic option for those who desire the effectiveness of traditional braces but with a more subtle appearance.

Post-Treatment Care

We offer customized retainers and post-treatment care plans to ensure your smile stays as beautiful and well-maintained as the day your treatment was completed.

Invisalign Clear Aligners

Enjoy the freedom to straighten your teeth discreetly with Invisalign, the virtually invisible solution for a straighter smile.

Traditional Braces

Tried and true, traditional braces are still an excellent option for those who require more complex orthodontic treatment.

Lingual Braces

Concealed behind your teeth, lingual braces are the ultimate in discreet orthodontics.

🌟 Your Smile Transformation Journey 🌟

01. Schedule a Consultation

Your journey starts with a comprehensive consultation with one of our friendly orthodontists. We’ll discuss your goals and create a personalized treatment plan just for you.

02. Begin Treatment

Once you’re ready to start, we’ll fit you with your chosen orthodontic appliance and guide you through the process, answering any questions along the way.

03. Regular Check-Ups

We’ll monitor your progress with regular check-ups to ensure your treatment is on track.

04. Reveal Your New Smile

When your treatment is complete, you’ll reveal your stunning, straight smile to the world.

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Level 8, Suite 808, 97-99 Bathurst Street, Sydney NSW 2000

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